The Fall Line in Fashion

Okay, I have been WAY too serious in the previous blogs. Now is the time for some irony, which is my other favorite mode.
The British, keeping a poker-face all the way, have developed a hospital gown they advertise as an "Interfaith Gown". There appears to be some question as to the high demand for such an ensemble from members of the Church of England, or local Hebrew women's representatives. Make note of how the press carefully avoids calling anything from terrorists to hospital gowns "Islamic". Makes me chuckle.
"Do you think this makes me look fat?"
Betcha that baby has ties that completely close up in the back.
um.....I want anyone working on me to have a full scope of vision. THEY may not want to, but I'd like them to none-the-less.
"Dear Interfaith Hospital-Gowns, Inc.,
Do the goggles and windshield/face guard go under or over the hood? I feel like a fashion-dope.
Moira O'Malley"
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