Queen Midas of Quotes

My file of quotations is my most treasured collection. It cost me nothing, takes up no space, yet never fails to make me smile. Combining my love of words with all their graceful nuances, and my delight at a clever turn-of-phrase which delivers far more than the sum of its parts, they come as close to perfection as I ever venture.
I have been struggling with a situation in my personal life that has really torn me up a lot considering I am not directly involved in it. I have been accused of being a push-over, too soft on people, and an all-around wuss. Long ago I decided my values would include being kinder and more forgiving to people than they might deserve, with the hope that when I truly screwed up, I might elicit better treatment than I should be owed. Hours of conversation have gone on about this particular situation, and finally I came to rest on a nice flat rock, just before the precipice. I need be okay leading my life according to my own values and not feel bad refusing to return fire in kind, especially if it is the antithesis of what I believe. I also need to understand that there are a lot of bruises to be endured in doing so; first, people don't understand; second, there may be a lot of disappointments, even possibly betrayal, and it will hurt.
So then, I ran into this quote today.... made my day! Someone understands!!
"The last, best fruit which comes to late perfection, even in the kindliest soul, is tenderness toward the hard, forbearance toward the unforbearing, warmth toward the cold, philanthropy toward the misanthropic."
Jean Paul Richter
(1763-1825, German novelist)
uh...did the quote come with a picture by chance????
I'll read it tomorrow and it'll make way more sense. I get it, but don't think I absorbed it all the way.
Feelin a little dense....but at least I did read it, I guess...at least, I think I did.... ;o)
and that picture (as well as the other one in the post below) are AWESOME. Really just wanna BE there. Such a great image.
Judy, I didn't mean to imply that. It's just that when I examine my concience, and think I am doing the right and just thing, I worry that I am WAY off base because it sometimes feels so alone. Like a little drummer in a parade, having taken a left when everyone else turned right, but oblivious. The quote says that IS the parade's destination, and I may just be a tad early.
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